Everybody experiences periods of low energy, from lack of sleep to stress at work. However, if your exhaustion lasts longer than a week, reach out to TruWellness in Henderson, Nevada, for evaluation to identify and addressing underlying causes, possible causes along with individulaized plan to resolve symptoms and improve overall health. Experienced nurse practitioner, Kelly, takes a patient-centered approach to fatigue treatment, offering mobile services or telehealth visits to accommodate your needs. Call today or use the online booking tool to schedule an initial telehealth appointment.
You may hear the words “tired” and “fatigue” used interchangeably, but the latter is far more complex. Fatigue goes beyond feeling tired. You can’t overcome it by catching up on sleep or rest alone.
Unlike simple tiredness, fatigue often involves an overwhelming and persistent sense of physical and mental exhaustion that may not improve with adequate rest.
Without effective treatment, fatigue can seep into your everyday life. It makes work, social interaction, and even simple household tasks feel like chores. Fatigue can affect your physical and mental performance, relationships, and overall quality of life.
The signs of fatigue may be subtle at first, but they tend to worsen over time. Typical warning signs of fatigue include:
The earlier you seek treatment for fatigue, the greater likelihood you have of preventing further decline in your physical and mental well-being.
Fatigue often stems from underlying causes that have nothing to do with sleep hygiene, such as:
Uncovering and addressing fatigue’s underlying cause is crucial to providing the most effective treatment.
Telltale signs you should seek medical help for fatigue include:
Fatigue that lasts for an extended period, typically longer than two weeks, and does not improve with adequate rest warrants an evaluation with Kelly.
If fatigue significantly interferes with your daily activities, work performance, or relationships, you should reach out for professional guidance.
Fatigue that develops suddenly can signify an underlying infection, illness, or condition that needs treatment.
After reviewing your medical history, discussing your symptoms, and exploring your diet and lifestyle, Kelly makes personalized recommendations to treat fatigue. Your treatment may include:
If you experience signs of fatigue, don’t wait to seek help. Call TruWellness today or use the online booking tool to schedule a telehealth visit.